Facebook has just rolled out the ability to edit comments and posts from within its iOS app, available for iPhone only. (Sorry iPad and iPod touch users). The feature has already rolled out to Android devices and the Web.

The update allows you to view the edit history, maybe to alter what has changed since you first posted the message. Or to ensure that no one else has hijacked your phone and your account, though the new “Edited” tag on any post will serve as a reminder.  Facebook has taken another step toward privacy, with a lock icon next to your name in the navigation menu. If you click it, you find privacy shortcuts to frequently asked questions and other settings.

FB iOS App Editing

Facebook iOS App Gets Post & Comment Editing

All iOS device users can also take advantage of the freshly added photo comments function, which initially rolled out online in back in July.  It provides users with the option to reply to a status update with an image. Facebook also now allows members to express themselves with icons when posting to someone’s timeline e.g. “Penny is feeling sick” or “Penny is listening to The Blues Brothers,” in the same manner you can, to accompany your own status updates. It has been reported that Facebook has thrown Trending Topics into the mix, though my iOS 7 update doesn’t seem to include what may be only a networking test. Those users who have received the feature, according to the tech blog, will find a list of 10 popular terms, each of which, when tapped, reveal a feed of posts that mention them.   Facebook began to share “what’s hot” on the World Wide Web in late August. The updated Facebook app is currently available for free download in the Apple iTunes Store.


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