The Samsung Galaxy Watch is far from unanimous. Among the main criticisms it currently supports only one terminal, which is the very famous Galaxy Note 3 (tested here by myself). Ironic, since Samsung is one of the most prolific builders market with a catalog that has dozens and dozens of references. Fortunately, the South Korean manufacturer has decided to make an effort and its first connected shows soon pay more terminals, the S3 and S4.

If you missed the official presentation of the product, know that the Galaxy Gear looks like a mini smartphone mounted on a watchband. The device features a 1.63-inch Super AMOLED display screen at a resolution of 320 x 320 pixels with 4-GB of internal storage space, a camera of 1.9-MP, Bluetooth 4.0, a processor running at 800-MHz, 512-MB RAM, , a gyroscope, an accelerometer and a microphone and a speaker.

Samsung Galaxy Gear Soon Will Be Compatible With Galaxy S3 and S4!

Samsung Galaxy Gear Compatibility

With this watch, the user can access notifications from his smartphone without taking it out of his pocket, and he can also answer calls, use S Voice or even take home several tools, such as S Health, of course all with an application system.

Samsung Galaxy Gear will therefore soon support new devices. In the lot include the Galaxy S3 or Galaxy S4, but not only because it is also about the Galaxy S4 Mini, Galaxy S4 Active Galaxy Note 2, the Galaxy Mega 5.8, the Galaxy Mega 6.4 and Galaxy Zoom. Be careful though because it will be the deployment of Jelly Bean 4.3 on these devices to enjoy it a deployment scheduled to begin in a few days.


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