Apple has quietly released the new edition of his new operating system: iOS 7. Almost from the beginning of its release, most savvy users have been instructed to study and reveal what kind of failure could make vulnerable the proper functioning of the platform. In recent days, the Cupertino Company Apple has been forced to make a couple of additional versions in order to correct these failures. We refer to iOS 7.0.1 and iOS 7.0.2, issues that have solved some problems, but not completely effective way. So much so that over the next week Apple may be forced to submit iOS 7.0.3.

Updates for iOS 7.0.3 Come Next Week With More Corrections

The first security flaw was corrected with the first version, but the truth is that just hours after another expert spotted a similar security fissure, but more difficult to locate. But the last error reported by some users is located in iMessage, messaging service found fitted as standard on the iPhone and iPad updated to iOS 7. Apparently, the users of this tool has detected that messages sent to other users reach their recipients, which would designate the service cuts would be torpedoing communications between iOS owners. To solve the incident, some have tried to reboot the system and turn on the device again, but the truth is that not all the world has worked. So much so that, as indicated, corrective editing iOS 7.0.2 which was released last week could have made ??the situation worse rather than better. An interesting option is, until comes the new iOS version 7.0.3, would be to restore the factory settings of your iPhone or iPad. The drawback of this measure is that you will lose all configuration data and will have to enter them again. Unfortunately this solution does not guarantee anything.

Updates for iOS 7.0.3 Come Next Week With More Corrections

But this is not the only problem facing by Apple users. In recent weeks we have seen that the iPad and iPhone owners have also experienced incidents in the autonomy of the device, as well as failures in the status bar at the top of the screen (which disappears suddenly), serious errors when to use the fingerprint sensor of iPhone 5S and failed messages to make purchases and downloads of applications or services through the App Store.

As I indicated at the beginning, the update should reach all compatible devices from next week. In fact, you will receive a notice telling you that a new data packet is available to correct these errors. And you also have encountered any of these problems on your iPhone or iPad updated to iOS 7?


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